Is there a secret cow level in Diablo 4? Diablo Patch 2.0 adds more clues and even teases Whimsyshire🐄

Hell Cows
(Image credit: Jennifer Young - Windows Central)

What you need to know

  • Diablo 2 and 3 each had a secret level full of demonic cows, and Diablo 4 players are trying to find this level within the game.
  • There is a Discord server dedicated to finding the existence of the 'Not a Cow Level', and they are compiling evidence found throughout the game. 
  • The evidence that such a level exists is mounting, and with data mining combined with some suspicious in-game activities, evidence points to the unearthing of the level soon, perhaps in the Vessel of Hatred DLC.
  • Datamined items even point towards a Whimsyshire level, the rainbow unicorn and teddy bear level from Diablo 3.

Since Diablo 4 launched in June 2023, long-time players familiar with the previous games have been asking, "Where is the cow level?" Evidence has been mounting ever since the game's launch, whether through suspicious in-game quests that lead seemingly nowhere or datamining unearthing items with a strange theme. 

Right now, a Public Test Realm (PTR) is underway to test huge new character progression updates for the game, as well as the addition of Runewords, and people are finding all sorts of new clues in the game Patch 2.0. Could the Cow Level be coming with Vessel of Hatred? Could we even see the return of Whimsyshire?

Before we take a look at the new evidence found, let's run through the history of the Cow Level and how the investigation from Diablo players has advanced since the launch of the game. 

What is the cow level in Diablo?

There is no cow level, allegedly. (Image credit: Youtube)

Following the release of the original Diablo game in 1997, some players claimed that there was a special cow among a herd of cattle in the town hub area, and that clicking on it multiple times would open a red portal to a secret level full of demonic enemies. Some even created fake screenshots with Photoshop to support their claims. Because nothing says credibility like a poorly edited image. There was no cow level in Diablo yet, but the joke had taken on a life of its own. 

Fast forward to Diablo 2, and a hidden level titled 'Moo Moo Farm' was actually added to the game. Players had to obtain Wirt’s Leg, a unique item that could be found on the corpse of an NPC from Diablo 1, and combine it with a Tome of Town Portal in the Horadric Cube. This could only be done after completing the campaign on the difficulty they were playing on, and would open a portal to the Not The Cow Level. The Moo Moo Farm literally became a great farm for loot and experience, and beef.

Diablo 3 released in 2012, and not only did the loading screens tease that 'there is no cow level', but you were also able to craft a 'Staff of Herding' within the game following a laborious quest for the rare materials. The Staff of Herding did not take you to a cow level, but following the 20th Anniversary Event in 2017, Blizzard added a Bovine Bardiche to the loot table. This legendary polearm, when broken down in Kanai's Cube or used in the Ruins of Tristram would take you to the secret cow level, where loot and steak awaited you. 

Not the Cow level in Diablo 3 (Image credit: Youtube)

The Cow Level joke has bled into other Blizzard titles, even World of Warcraft got involved during the same 20th Anniversary Event, with treasure goblins in the game that when killed would open a portal to a Cow Level. The reskin of Yorgen Farmstead spawned Diabolic Bovines and a rare elite Cow King. There's also been items such as Wirt's Third Leg, and a cheat code that says "there is no cow level" when typed into chat. 

Will there be a cow level in Diablo 4?

Blizzard has said there is no cow level in Diablo 4, but of course they would say that. Many players are convinced there is evidence in the game to the contrary and have even set up a Discord server dedicated to finding the truth. The 'Not finding a Cow Level' group have lead the charge on cow level discoveries so far.

The first ever clues found in the base game, a suspicious fountain in Ked Bardu

The first clue leading players to a Cow Level was the fountain in Ked Bardu depicting four cows. The tablet on the fountain shows text “Spill their blood to be deemed worthy.” 

"Spill their blood to be deemed worthy." (Image credit: Reddit)

Interacting with the Oxen facing East will give you further text:

The Oxen Gods stand as guardians to this sacred fountain. It is said that one who presents a worthy offering cleansed in these waters may gain their blessing.

This fountain gave new hope to those who were looking for the elusive Cow Level, as it seemed to suggest a hidden riddle that would unlock more mysteries. Data miners at this point  already found clues from the game of items that might be needed, that resemble the components from previous games for entering the Cow Level.

  • Bloody Wooden Shard - "a worn, bloodstained chunk of wood with tattered leather straps. The letter "W" has been crudely carved on one side." Could this be a part of Wirt's Leg?
  • Musty Tome "the tattered leather binding of an old tom. The deep blue dye has faded with age, and all of the pages have been torn out."  This looks like the Tome of Town Portal from Diablo 2.
  • Intricate Metallic Fragment "a metallic fragment of unknown origin, still humming with magical energies. It appears to be part of some ancient device." Does this refer to the Horadric Cube?
  • Strange Key "a large metal key. Though is appears ordinary, you feel that it has some kind of power."
  • Lucky Coin "An ornate coin" 

Infographic made by r/d4cowlevel (Image credit: Reddit)

Before the items were even discovered for real in the game, players went wild in their quest for the cream. Some even going on cow-culling bloodbaths, and others drawing pictures on the map to evidence cow shaped areas. The Eastern part of Scosglen for example resembling a cow's head and conveniently having three cow spawns on it's nose. 

Bonafide bovine evidence (Image credit: Reddit)

October 2023 - A breakthrough, Season of Blood becomes the Season of Beef

It had been quiet on the dairy front since June, but in October, the dedicated 'Not Finding a Cow Level' Discord members had a massive breakthrough: The tirelessly datamined items had been found in the game!

The three relics only seen before in data mining images turned out to be real and in the game, at the cost of sacrificing a whopping 666 cows not once, not twice, but thrice! Yes, the key was to kill 1998 cows.

Once the cow-killing spree was complete, it was time to purify the artifacts (and maybe the player's conscience) by dunking them into the holy waters of the Ked Bardhu Cow Fountain, ensuring they wash away both their sins and any lingering beef grudges.

The update posted in the Discord server in October 2023 read:

We have achieved PROGRESS(tm) on the hunt. Long time member @grampajoe discovered (the hard way) that killing 666 cows will now drop you one of the three relics, depending on the zone you kill the final cow in. Unfortunately, this can only be done once per week per character. The good news is though, you can drop the relics to other party members, or share in your own stash, so the only limit is your patience to kill 2000ish cows! Armed with this knowledge, several teams have braved the grinding depths and obtained all 3 relics, in season and eternal."

The update above is only part of the puzzle, to get each of the 3 relics required the player must to kill their 666th cow in a specific area of the game. Kill 665 wherever they choose, but the 666th MUST be in these areas for each of the relics:

  • Bloody Wooden Shard - Hawezar or Kehjistan
  • Musty Tome - Scosglen or Fractured Peaks
  • Metallic Fragment - Dry Steppes

Wondering how to rack up that many cows? There is an interactive map here of all the cow spawn locations in the game. The 666 kills must be on one character.

Once each item is acquired, a 666,666 second timer will commence during which the player can not farm for another item in the puzzle again. (7.7 days).  It is possible however to farm on another character for 666 cows. 

Once all ill-gotten rewards are acquired, they must be taken to the Cow Fountain in Ked Bardhu as mentioned in the previous findings. Purifying the items rewards with a Strange key to the Forlorn Hovel. This is found in the far East of Scosglen (the area that looks like a cow's head).

Once inside the Forlorn Hovel, it is unlocked for the player character forever. The Forlorn Hovel houses 28 cows, which you guessed it, are going to have to die — rewarding the player with a stamina potion that looks suspiciously like dried milk.

(Image credit: Not Finding a Cow Level' Discord)

This consumable applies an unknown buff for 5 minutes, and at this point the Cow Level quest, and the milk, went cold... Nobody knew what to do with the buff. 

Diablo 4 Patch 2.0 datamining opens the case back up

So, there were no new breakthroughs since October 2023. Now, though, the PTR for Patch 2.0 is taking place, and with it, a whole slew of datamining has unearthed new clues about the Cow Level that may be coming to the game when Vessel of Hatred launches. We have Wowhead to thank for the latest findings.

  • The Rusted Bardiche

The Rusted Bardiche has been found in Diablo 4 datamining, resembling the Bovine Bardiche from Diablo 3 (Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

On the left we have the "badly damaged and decayed weapon" that "reeks of manure" which has been found in Diablo 4 Patch 2.0 datamining. A strong reference to the Bovine Bardiche polearm from Diablo 3, which if you salvaged in the Kanai's Cube would summon the portal for the Cow Level. In addition players have found:

  • Unusual Key
  • Rusted Old Bell
  • Crooked Staff
  • Jabbering Gemstone

Items have been datamined over at Wowhead  (Image credit: Wowhead)

Wowhead have speculated that these items are references to Wirt's Bell, the Staff of Herding and Gibbering Gemstone — items required to open a portal to Whimsyshire in Diablo 3. In this level you can fight teddy bears and unicorns instead of demons, and was a good source for some of the rarest items in the game. I still don't have a pair of Cosmic Wings that could be found from a Unicorn boss in this level! This adds even more intrigue to the Cow Level search, could we also be getting a Whimsyshire level? Could we see the return of rainbow goblins?

(Image credit: Youtube - Force Gaming)

As the Diablo 4 player base collectively loses their minds in their search for juicy steaks, you can keep your wits about you and up to date by joining the Not the Cow Level Discord server.

What do you think? Is there a cow level to be found in Diablo 4?

Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred |  Xbox  |  Steam

Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred

Unlock a new entry in the story campaign, a new Nahantu region, and the first-ever new class for Diablo 4 — the Spiritborn. Purchase today to unlock cosmetics you can use up until the launch of October 8 and beyond, from armor to pets to a cat mount! |  Xbox  |  Steam

Jennifer Young

Jen is a News Writer for Windows Central, focused on all things gaming and Microsoft. Anything slaying monsters with magical weapons will get a thumbs up such as Dark Souls, Dragon Age, Diablo, and Monster Hunter. When not playing games, she'll be watching a horror or trash reality TV show, she hasn't decided which of those categories the Kardashians fit into. You can follow Jen on Twitter @Jenbox360 for more Diablo fangirling and general moaning about British weather.